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Looking out for Number One or looking after your interests?

By Troy Tisserand

Looking out for Number One or looking after your interests?

 We live in a cynical world.  There’s no such thing as a ‘free’ lunch, the flirty waitress is working for tips, and the friend who just praised you to the heavens is probably going to ask for a favor.  Though age and experience has left us world weary with wisdom, some days we still get suckered in.

For example, you get a call from an unknown number.  You answer and the voice is very friendly, cheerful, and interested in YOU.  You and the MONEY you owe them.  It’s a call from your creditor.  I know… but they sounded so nice.  Sure the call ended with you feeling humiliated and threatened but in the beginning this person was, dare I say, delightful.

Turning the Other Cheek Just Gets You Slapped Twice

When you are struggling with personal debt and you find yourself running out of options it’s hard to stay hopeful in these cynical times.  Perhaps you’re so overwhelmed you feel powerless to ask for help.  Perhaps you’ve been told the situation is your fault and when you can’t get out of it you not only feel helpless, you feel hopeless.  You start to think Bankruptcy is your only option.  After all it’s what you deserve.  Isn’t it?

The Bankruptcy Trustee or Credit Counselor you contact is more than willing to meet and discuss your situation.  He or she may even be, dare I say, delightful.  And as they review your current situation in your mind they reinforce everything you dreaded about this moment, the shame, the humiliation, self-doubt and failure.

So while you sit there listening to the options presented it is always imperative you ask yourself – Who are these people REALLY working for?

We take the view that when in the debt advisory business, you either act for the creditor, or act for the debtor – it’s impossible to give good sound advice to both – you simply cannot do it.

Spoiler Alert, It’s Not You.

They want their money… that’s right THEIR MONEY.  Trustees and Credit Counselors technically work for your creditors.  It’s their job to ensure they get the best possible return for the creditors, in the case of the credit counselors that is usually 100%.  You will still end up paying back a lot of your debt, and may risk losing assets in the process.  It could take you YEARS to recover and rebuild, and you’ll be left to do it all on your own.

There is more to restructuring debt, who will help you rebuild, who will help you start building financial freedom?  Those that represent the creditors are focused on collecting your money, not helping you re-establish your financial future.

Yes, these are cynical times but they are not without hope.  And as dire as your debt feels, there is help.  Realistic, compassionate, genuine HELP.  4 Pillars Debt Solutions works for you and only you.  Let that sink in for a moment.  Yes, 4 Pillars works FOR YOU.  They’re priority is helping YOU reduce your debt.  And they do that free of judgement or blame.  You are given the respect and compassion you deserve as they educate you as to your best options.  That’s right, you have options.

The team at 4 Pillars Debt Solutions in Victoria will work to find you the best way to restructure your debt at the lowest possible cost.  Whatever solution you choose, you could be debt free, in most cases, within a few years.  And during that time 4 Pillars are dedicated to rebuilding your future and will be working with you in the aftercare by helping to re-establish your credit and understand how your budget and credit effectively going forward.

A Little Hope Goes a Long Way

A little cynicism can be a good thing, but so is a little hope.  4 Pillars Debt Solutions Victoria will take you through the maze of debt terminology, explaining every aspect of your situation, and helping find you the best solution.  You’ll be so re-energized after your initial consultation, you may go out and celebrate with a fancy coffee.  Just remember the barista who winks at you is still working for tips!

We Work For You and Not Your Creditors

For more information please visit one of their websites below or call them directly as they all live and operate in Victoria:

4 Pillars Debt Solutions.  Details at 4Pillars.ca

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