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4 Pillars

After Care Program

We offer one of the most comprehensive credit rebuilding programs in Canada.

By combining the debt and credit expertise of 4 Pillars with proven credit rebuilding programs and education on the effective use of credit, this program is a must for consumers wanting to build a strong credit score.

We want all our clients to be successful.

We know debt is hard. We know asking for help is hard. We know dealing with financial problems is hard. It is the reason why we built the 4 Pillars Financial Empowerment Aftercare Portal, so your life can be easier after debt.

There is no magic bullet to rebuilding your life after financial problems. No one teaches you how to be successful with money, so we have been working hard to build and provide you with the education, tools, and tricks to help you build the financial life you have always wanted.

Our Financial Empowerment Aftercare Portal offers you:

  • Over 30 hours of critical financial empowerment education
  • Over 20 years of proven credit rebuilding experience
  • Education on how to build wealth in Canada
  • Credit education on how to effectively rebuild credit
  • Professional assessment of your credit report
  • Professional support to identify and correct credit reporting errors
  • Personalized credit rebuilding plan
  • Access to safe* financial products to rebuild credit**
  • Clients for Life™ commitment with unlimited support
  • Access to your credit score
  • Access to your credit report
  • Free monthly webinars on credit, budgeting, and money skills
  • Thousands of course enrollments to date ***

Program Cost: $1900 - Can be broken down into small affordable monthly payments.

The Aftercare portal is a big reason why 97% of our clients are successful in becoming debt free and building a new financial future for themselves. They fix the debt, learn new skills, and live a much better life.

Where do you want to be 3 years from now?

See our unedited, real life reviews of our clients Aftercare experiences:

After care program review

The aftercare program portal review of 4 Pillars are clearly discussed one by one and with an option of reading it or listening to it. Everything that was included in the program are very helpful in thinking about the present and the future of my financial status. Thanks again 4 Pillars!

Wow Wow Wow

Wow! Great 👍 work on the Aftercare Portal 4 Pillars!! I was a bit behind in the courses last few months & the audio along with reading was fantastic. Great information, clear & easy to follow. Thank you 😊 🙏 For the first time in 25 years I feel like I can breathe a little easier in terms of finances. Working with 4 Pillars has been an incredible blessing....the only thing I would have done different....is contacting you much sooner! Nonetheless, we are on a much better path (more learning, growth & changes to come) and for that I cannot thank you enough!

Why build a Financial Empowerment Aftercare Portal?

In 2009, the Government of Canada released a comprehensive report on financial literacy that was over 105 pages. In that report it had 30 recommendations that needed to be implemented to make the lives of Canadians better. For the most part, this report has been ignored by federal, provincial, and professional organizations across Canada.

At 4 Pillars we embraced this report to ensure we made a difference for the most important people in our organization, our clients. Although most of the 30 recommendations do not apply to businesses, these are the ones that we embraced:

Recommendation 6

The Task Force recommends that financial services providers put a strong emphasis on delivering educational information and ensuring that it is fully understood by Canadians at “teachable moments” so that Canadians can make responsible financial decisions.

Outcome: Every new 4 Pillars employee is automatically enrolled into the Aftercare portal. It is that good.

Recommendation 7

The Task Force recommends that employers incorporate financial literacy training into their current workplace training programs and communications. To that end, the Government of Canada, as well as provincial and territorial governments, should make workplace financial literacy programs eligible for tax assistance. Governments should demonstrate leadership as employers by developing workplace financial literacy programs for employees throughout their careers.

Outcome: Every client of 4 Pillars has the opportunity to enroll in our Aftercare portal. It’s that good.

Recommendation 8

The Task Force recommends that the Government of Canada, in partnership with stakeholders, provide tools to help Canadians become better informed about the role and benefits of professional financial advice, as well as how to choose a financial practitioner.

Outcome: Our Aftercare portal has education on different professionals that most consumers may use such as Real Estate agents, Accountants, Financial Planners and Vehicle Experts. Our education helps our clients choose the right products based on their unique situation, using the education we have assembled to help them on their positive journey forward.

* Any financial product offered to our clients undergoes a strict evaluation process. We never suggest a financial product to our clients, that we would not suggest to our friends and family.

** Any product offered is optional and none of our clients are under any obligation to rebuild their credit, this is a personal choice that every client gets to make on their own.

*** The date this was last updated was January 31, 2021.

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Actual client testimonial. Name removed to protect privacy.
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