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4 Pillars Articles by Laurence Herzenberg

Why Consumers Need Credit

By Laurence Herzenberg

Why Consumers Need Credit The abuse of credit cards in society today is sadly widespread and misunderstood. The problems that develop from keeping up with just the minimum payments leads to significant anguish in a relatively short period of time. There are however tremendous benefits that can be derived from the intelligent use of credit … Continue reading Why Consumers Need Credit

What does it mean to restructure debt?

By Laurence Herzenberg

Debt restructuring is the process by which a significant portion, usually 60-80% is extinguished while the remainder gets paid off over a period of up to 5 years interest-free. It is principally a method to avoid bankruptcy. Creditors like it because they get something in return on what they have lent out. In comparison, a bankrupt … Continue reading What does it mean to restructure debt?

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