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Category: Budgeting - Page 3

What is Debt Restructuring in Ontario?

By Robert Glen

WHAT IS DEBT RESTRUCTURING? Your credit-card debt has piled up, the cards are maxed out, perhaps you’ve borrowed money to pay off bills, maybe you’ve gone to the limit on a line of credit and your household debt is completely out of control. You’ve decided it’s time to stop the spiral of debt consuming most … Continue reading What is Debt Restructuring in Ontario?

4 Pillars Personal Debt Restructuring – Growing up in Debt

By Troy Tisserand

4 Pillars Personal Debt Restructuring – Growing up in Debt  Cara got her first credit card when she was in University.  They were practically giving them away back then.  It was followed by a popular department store card and another credit card.  By the time she graduated, Cara was carrying a small credit card debt.  … Continue reading 4 Pillars Personal Debt Restructuring – Growing up in Debt

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