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Debt Jokes: When Punchlines Hurt

By Barbara Wyant

Debt Jokes: When Punchlines Hurt

There’s truth in humor, that’s what makes it relatable. The more tragic the truth the darker the humor. Sometimes there’s a little too much truth in humor and what is making the world around you laugh out loud, leaves you numb.

Jokes on you
When you’re living with debt it can feel like you’re the punchline to a really elaborate joke. And if you utter the words “I don’t get it” the response is usually more laughter, like bringing down the house laughter. When you’re living with debt it good to have a sense of humor. Usually it’s a self-deprecating sense of humor so the world won’t see the control your debt has taken. If you say it first, nobody else will. Debt makes you feel like a failure. Like one of those guys who tries to tell a joke but messes up the punchline every time. You don’t feel funny, ha ha, you just feel funny, sad. Your debt is just another reason to kick yourself when you’re already down.

Debt Help is no laughing matter
Did you hear the one about the guy who stood up to his debt and got rid of it once and for all? It’s no joke, in fact it happens every day. When you’re ready to put a genuine smile back on your face, don’t hire a comedian talk to a real performer. 4 Pillars has been helping Canadians recover from debt since 2004. In fact over 97% of their clients have stayed out of debt making them the industry leader. 4 Pillars was founded by three professionals who were tired of watching friends lose their businesses to debt. They did their homework, combined their financial expertise and started a company that would ensure no one would be controlled by their debt again. Seriously!

In Abbotsford your 4 Pillars Debt Specialist is Barbara Wyant . With Barbara taking the mic, you have a compassionate financial expert who understands the reality of living with debt. No joke. For all the jokers who told you bankruptcy was your only option, it’s probably not. If it’s a consumer proposal that will best eliminate your debt, Barbara and the 4 Pillars team will be there to structure the consumer proposal based on your individual needs, carefully select the trustee to administer the consumer proposal and represent you every step of the way.

Regardless, Barbara will create a debt consolidation strategy that works for you; navigating financial terminology, creating a plan to deal with your creditors, finding your best debt relief options and helping you rebuild your credit. Your debt could be reduced by up to 80% and paid off completely within five years!
Who’s laughing now?

Barbara and her team at 4 Pillars Abbotsford will get you your back your life, a debt free life. And that’s no joke.

Call Barbara Wyant at 604 866 7895.

4 Pillars Debt Solutions. Details at 4Pillars.ca

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