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Category: Uncategorized - Page 10

Student Loan Debt: Investing in Your Future or Setting Yourself Up for Financial Failure?

By Paul Murphy

The amount of debt many graduates are leaving school with means they are delaying big life decisions such as buying a car, buying a house, getting married and having kids. This ultimately has an effect on us all and the overall economy. It also means many of our children are rethinking higher education, pursuing different options and living at home longer after school to try and pay off their student loan debt. For many parents it means postponing retirement and taking on additional debt to help their children through school.

The Debt Cycle and Why People Get Into Debt

By Paul Murphy

Have you ever wondered how and why people get into debt? And what really triggers the financial challenges we have all faced at some time. We know that debt can lead to disastrous consequences; it can destroy a relationship, lose our assets and everything we have worked so hard to create, and it can bring on mental anguish like no other problem previously faced.

What is the difference between good debt and bad debt?

By Paul Murphy

Very few people have or can earn enough money to pay cash for life’s most important purchases: a home, a car or an education. The most important consideration when buying anything on credit or taking out a loan is whether the debt incurred is good debt or bad debt.

The Emotional Stages of Debt

By Paul Murphy

There are a number of life events that can generate an enormous amount of financial stress, and lead us to incur significant and unwanted debt. It may be as superficial as trying to keep up a lifestyle beyond what our income allows, or as life-altering as a failed business, divorce or serious illness.

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