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Category: Debt Help - Page 49

The Reasons 4 Pillars Has a 97% Success Rate

By Zach Brull

If you take some time to browse www.4pillars.ca you will notice that we proudly claim to possess a 97% success rate with all our restructuring programs. This number isn’t an accident. It’s the result of a commitment and concerted effort to counter the average success rate within the debt restructuring industry which unfortunately rests at … Continue reading The Reasons 4 Pillars Has a 97% Success Rate

Important Facts about Debt Counsellors

By Frank Eichinger

Most Canadians when faced with hard to manage debt issues will visit the internet seeking a solution to their problems. What they’ll find is a confusing array of messaging that all sounds similar – promising to reduce debt, start fresh, become free of debt sooner etc… What you need to know is the majority of … Continue reading Important Facts about Debt Counsellors

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