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4 Pillars Articles by Chris Grew

What effect does debt truly have on your health?

By Chris Grew

What effect does debt truly have on your health? Canadians are at record-levels of household debt according to statistics Canada. With some many Canadians coping with the stress of heavy debt they are not just having trouble sleeping but now researchers are finding that there a number of other health effects that are occurring. Researchers … Continue reading What effect does debt truly have on your health?

Does your debt make you feel like you’re trapped in quicksand?

By Chris Grew

Does your debt make you feel like you’re trapped in quicksand? Does being in debt feel like being stuck in quicksand… pulling you down further and further? Quicksand is basically just ordinary sand that has been so saturated with water that the friction between sand particles is reduced. The resulting sand is a mushy mixture of … Continue reading Does your debt make you feel like you’re trapped in quicksand?

70s 80s 90s or 00s: Which Debt Generation Are You?

By Chris Grew

70s 80s 90s or 00s: Which Debt Generation Are You? In the 60s The Who sang about ‘My Generation’.  The 70s were the ‘Us Generation’, The 80s were the ‘Me Generation’, the 90s were about flannel shirts and alternative music, While the Millennials are a tech savvy group of trendsetters sharing their new found enlightenment … Continue reading 70s 80s 90s or 00s: Which Debt Generation Are You?

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