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Life after Debt: Rebuilding with 4 Pillars Hamilton

By Jim Ferguson

Life after Debt: Rebuilding with 4 Pillars Hamilton

Where do you see yourself in five years?  For a while it was a popular, if not dreaded, question asked during job interviews.  So, where do you see yourself, or more importantly, where do you want to see yourself in five years?  If your answer is “debt free”, that can happen. Seriously.  For anyone who’s been struggling with debt for a while, it’s easy to lose sight of the future.  You’re so focused on surviving your present that any long term goals feel more like wishful thinking; a what if? As opposed to a more positive statement!

Debt takes no prisoners. First it goes after your cash flow then it robs you of your peace of mind.  It causes stress filled nights, strained relationships, insecurity, depression, fear and shame.  It’s easy to lose sight of your hopes and dreams when you can’t see past the end of the month.

I’m Jim Ferguson, your 4 Pillars Debt Specialist in Hamilton. In recent articles I’ve talked about the advantages of debt settlement when working with an advocate like 4 Pillars Hamilton Debt Solutions. We also talked about Licensed Insolvency Trustees and how one of their roles is represent the interests of your creditors. Then we explored how a 4 Pillars Debt Specialist, like myself, could lower your debt by up to 80%, and help you pay it off with in 5 years, all while helping you rebuild your credit.   As you can see, if your goal is to be debt free in 5 years, it can happen along with any other personal goals you may be sitting on.

Consumer Want to Change

Debt takes away your optimism.  It denies you the ability to see a positive outcome.  You’re no longer a glass half full kind of person, you’re not even a glass half empty person. You’ve become a glass lying shattered on the floor person because that is how your debt makes you feel. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. The situation can change and you have the power to make that change!   Reaching your 5 year goal starts with a simple phone call to 4 Pillars, who will be by your side every step of the way!

A Holistic Approach to Life after Debt

When your debt has got the best of you and you don’t know where to turn, you are vulnerable.  Your desperation makes you easy prey for an unscrupulous creditor or credit relief company to swoop in, promise you everything, and leave you in worse shape than you are now.

4 Pillars Debt Solutions steps back and takes a more holistic view of your debt.  We look at the whole picture, from your present situation to your life after debt.  We give you a detailed map that shows you how you are going to get out of debt, rebuild your credit, while working on your goals for the future. Goals you may have thought were unattainable.

At 4 Pillars we look at each individual client and customize a strategy to best deal with their specific debt. Over the years we’ve developed programs to help reduce, settle, and eliminate your debt.   We create a plan to deal with your creditors to ensure your best interests are being represented.  We offer you credit rebuilding programs designed to repair and rebuild your credit faster and more efficiently.  And while we are doing this we are also educating you and providing the support and the confidence you need achieve those goals. And we do it all without judgement or blame.

Some will have you believe that Bankruptcy is your only hope. That isn’t always the case.  Your bet options may include learning how to budget and manage your money, or it may be debt consolidation. However, if filing for Bankruptcy or a Consumer Proposal turns out to be your only option, 4 Pillars Debt Solutions will be by your side, representing you every step of the way.

Client Satisfaction equals a Job Well Done  

4 Pillars Hamilton Debt Solutions has over 60 offices from Vancouver Island to St. John’s Newfoundland.  I love the work I do as a 4 Pillars Debt Specialist. My sense of accomplishment comes from knowing I can bring you peace of mind while we settle your debt and start working to achieve your goals.

Last month I told you about the Debt Specialist in Barrie who helped a young family avoid bankruptcy while reducing their debt from $120,000 to $19,000.  A debt they will have paid off in less than five years. Every one of our offices can tell you a similar story about clients they’ve pulled from debt, clients who are now debt free and first time homeowners; clients who are able to retire, travel, go back to school, spend more time with their children.  Clients who are successfully reaching their goals.  Did you know that 97 percent of 4 Pillars’ clients have successfully completed their debt restructuring plans; making us an industry leader in Canada?  To find out what our clients are saying about us just click the link below!

Read real stories and testimonials from thousands of 4 Pillars clients


So, where do you see yourself in five years?  Being debt free is just the beginning, the rest is up to you, with a little help from 4 Pillars.  If you’re in the Hamilton area and would like to explore your debt settlement options or just discuss your current situation call me, Jim Ferguson at 4 Pillars Hamilton, (905) 528-7887.

4 Pillars Debt Solutions.  Visit us at 4Pillars.ca 


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