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Get Debt Help in Hamilton – Read a Success Story

By Jim Ferguson

Get Debt Help in Hamilton – Read a Success Story

I’m Jim Ferguson, your 4 Pillars Debt Specialist in Hamilton.  No two clients are the same because no two debt situations are the same.  I’ve had clients from all walks of life come through my door, and I’m very proud to have assisted them in dealing with their debt.  One of my favorite success stories is Laura.

After years of battling her ex in divorce court, Laura finally walked away with the house, custody of the kids, and a lot of debt.  Ironically, it was debt that contributed to the breakdown of her marriage in the first place.  Though she’d been allotted child support, she was skeptical her ex would follow through as promised.  Since she had a good job and a little equity in the house, her chief concern was the debt.  She inherited a lot of the debt from the marriage. Credit cards, a car loan, and a line of credit, adding up to about $85,000 dollars.  And now she also had some hefty legal bills staring her in the face.

Debt Help: The Power of Hope

Laura’s attorney actually recommended she contact 4 Pillars Debt Consulting.  He’d advised her that it was important to deal with the debt now instead of letting it drag out and grow any bigger.  He was right.  When I met with Laura she was feeling overwhelmed and worried about the financial future for herself and her kids.  We talked about her situation and I set about creating a Debt Restructuring Strategy that would work best in her situation.  Because she had a good job, some assets, and equity in her house I determined that Debt Consolidation would be the best strategy.  We created a plan to deal with her creditors and was able to help her reduce her debt by 60%.  From there she secured a Consolidation Loan that would put all her payments into one lower payment every month over 60 months.  I worked with Laura to create a realistic budget that would give her plenty of cash flow and the ability to save for her future.  I also gave Laura the tools to keep her out of debt in the future.

Laura is enjoying a fresh start and with her debt no longer weighing her down she’s creating a fabulous new life for herself and her kids.

4 Pillars Debt Consulting: There’s No Place like Home

At 4 Pillars we create strategies to restructure almost $1 Million of debt every day.  Our clients are confident in the knowledge they are working with a proven winner when it comes to reducing debt, rebuilding credit, and paying off that debt.  Since 2002 4 Pillars has been creating debt settlement plans to get Canadians out of debt.  In fact, 97% of our clients have successfully completed their debt restructuring programs and are now experiencing freedom from debt. With our help they have been able to rebuild their credit, leaving them with a stronger credit score.

With 4 Pillars by your side you get the support and professional expertise you need to deal with your debt. 4 Pillars was founded by three professionals who were tired of watching friends lose their businesses to debt.  They did their homework, combined their financial expertise and started a company that would ensure no one would be controlled by their debt again.


One of the first things I offer you at 4 Pillars Hamilton is peace of mind.  During our first meeting, which is free, I start gathering information; not only about your debt but about your goals for the future.   My team and I analyze your situation and present a debt restructuring strategy that best suits you. I’m the one who will create the plan to deal with your creditors to help reduce your debt by up to 80%. Together we will find the best option for your situation.  It could be budgeting, financial education, debt consolidation, or even a Consumer Proposal.  Regardless, 4 Pillars Hamilton is working for you, representing your best interests and guiding you to your financial future.

If you have concerns about your debt or if you’d like to discuss your Debt Restructuring option, call me today, Jim Ferguson of 4 Pillars Hamilton, (905) 528-7887.    Laura’s debt situation was unique to her as yours is to you.  But with the help of 4 Pillars you can write your own story, and create a future you have always wanted!

To learn more about 4 Pillars Debt Solutions.  Visit us at 4Pillars.ca. And don’t forget to sign up for our Debt Boot Camp.

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