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Exterminating Annoying Pests and Debt

By Pradeep Padmanabhan

Exterminating Annoying Pests and Debt

Canadians love their summers.  No matter where you live there is a natural beauty to this great land of ours.  Whether it’s the endless horizon of the prairies, rolling hills, mountain views, the rugged tundra, the great lakes or our spectacular coastlines, east, west, and north.  There’s something to behold for every Canadian who loves the great outdoors.  Our love of Canada’s natural splendor lasts all year, but there’s something about the 9 or 10 weeks between the May long weekend and Labor Day that gets us giddy.  We love it all, well except the bugs. Nobody loves the bugs.  So we enjoy our summers from the safety of screened in porches or slathered under gallons of bug repellent.  But it’s worth it.  In fact they only thing worse than the mosquitos, black flies, ants, wasps, pine beetles, tics, spiders, and moths, is debt.  Unfortunately they haven’t discovered a good debt repellent.

Sprays or Traps

Like the heartiest mosquito debt does its best to suck the life out of you.  Some nights you lay awake feeling like you’re being eaten alive. If it’s a fly or mosquito you’ll have a few itchy bumps to show for it.  But if it’s your debt eating you alive, the damage is a lot more serious.  You can’t just curse at your debt and scratch it into oblivion.  Nor can you ignore it, because it’s always buzzing around your head.  If only there were a fly swatter you could use on your creditors.  The thing with debt is you can get rid of it, once and for all.  You don’t need harsh chemicals, sprays, or traps.  You just need a phone.

Debt Help; the Ultimate Debt Repellent

The best way to exterminate your debt doesn’t come in a can, and you don’t have to tent your house for it to work.  When you are ready to get debt out of your life, call 4 Pillars Debt Solutions.  4 Pillars was founded in 2002 by three professionals who were tired of watching friends lose their businesses to debt.  They did their homework, combined their financial expertise and started a company that would ensure no one would be controlled by their debt again.  In fact over 97% of their clients have successfully completed their debt restructuring plans; making 4 Pillars an industry leader in Canada. When you work with 4 Pillars you are getting the support and professional expertise you need to successfully deal with your debt. In Edmonton your 4 Pillars Debt Specialist is Pradeep Padmanabhan. Pradeep and his team at 4 Pillars Edmonton are ready to exterminate your debt. During your free initial consultation Pradeep will gather the information needed to settle your debt.

Unlike a bankruptcy trustee, Pradeep works for you.  If you were led to believe that bankruptcy was your only option, it’s probably not. You may have more options than you realize. In fact if it’s determined that a consumer proposal is the best course of action to eliminate your debt, Pradeep and the 4 Pillars team will be there to represent you every step of the way.  Regardless of your situation, Pradeep will create a debt restructuring strategy that works for you; navigating financial terminology, finding your best options and helping you rebuild your credit.  Pradeep and his team helps eliminate interest payments as well as gets the principal amount reduced. Majority of the times, debts are reduced by up to 80%.

Stop avoiding life and scratching your way through another year of debt.  If it bugs you, get rid of it. Call Pradeep Padmanabhan at 4 Pillars Edmonton, 780 665 3767. With your debt behind you get ready to enjoy the great Canadian outdoors, just don’t forget the bug spray!

4 Pillars Debt Solutions.  Details at 4Pillars.ca

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