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East Windsor Successful Debt Help Story

By Liliana Glen

East Windsor Successful Debt Help Story

I’m Liliana Glen, your 4 Pillars Debt Specialist in East Windsor.   No one sets out to live in debt.  No one makes a conscious choice to have their lives controlled by debt.  And yet many people struggle silently with their debt because of its stigma.  It is often assumed that if you are in debt you must have done something wrong.   How could you let this happen? What is wrong with you?  Your debt isolates you, it picks away at your confidence and your self-esteem.  It adds so much stress to your life that you are affected both physically and emotionally.  It destroys relationships, job performance, financial security, and your health.  Most people in debt are left feeling utterly humiliated and alone.

One of the first things I offer my clients is hope, peace of mind, compassion, and most importantly RESPECT.  You didn’t get to this point alone, and you don’t have to struggle with it alone.  In the over 10 years I’ve spent as a 4 Pillars Debt Specialist I’ve seen a lot of clients come thru my door and I’m very proud to say that almost all of them left with a renewed sense of hope, peace of mind, and a renewed confidence in their future. One such client was Steven from Tecumseh.

Steven was a single parent who was going through some financial hardships, he’d changed jobs a couple of times and found himself in a lot of debt; payments he was no longer able to handle.  He planned to apply for a Consumer Proposal through a different company but was left humiliated after being belittled about his financial situation. Talk about kicking someone when their down.  Fortunately Steven had a friend who’d gone thru a similar situation but with a much better outcome.  His friend had sought Debt Help from 4 Pillars and couldn’t wait to recommend us.

Debt Help: The Power of Hope

Considering Steven’s previous experience it was understandable that he was shy about asking for debt help a second time.  When he did call we had a good conversation about his financial situation.  I assured Steven he was not alone in his struggle and I went to work to putting together a debt restructuring plan that would work best for him.  As it turns out filing for a Consumer Proposal was the best option for Steven’s situation and he was quite relieved when I told him that my team and I would do the heavy lifting on this one, he just needed to provide me with all the pertinent information.

We structured a proposal that would work best for Steven and submitted it to a Licensed Insolvency Trustee who would administer it.  The proposal was soon accepted by Steven’s creditors.  We managed to help him reduce his debt by almost 80% and with the affordable payment structure we’ve set up, Steven will be debt free within five years.  I’ve helped Steven create a livable budget and we are currently working to rebuild his credit.

When Steven had left our initial meeting I felt like I was watching a man who had the world lifted off his shoulders.  Steven agrees.  In his testimonial he wrote:

“Thank you again so much for making me feel comfortable.  You are a much needed and welcomed blessing in my life right now with everything that’s going on.  I am very grateful for that.”

My pleasure Steven.

4 Pillars Debt Consulting: There’s No Place like Home

4 Pillars Debt Solutions has been creating debt settlement plans to get Canadians out of debt since 2002.  This is why we can boast that 97% of our clients have successfully completed their debt restructuring programs and are now experiencing freedom from debt.  We also ensured they were able to rebuild their credit. Leaving them with a much stronger credit score than when they started.  I am proud to say that I have clients who are now home owners, clients who are now able to enjoy their retirement years, and clients who have gone on to start their own businesses.

Family Photography
Family Photography

At 4 Pillars East Windsor I understand the long term effects of your debt and how it can affect your health and well-being, mentally, physically, and financially. During our first meeting, which is free, I gather information. After thorough analysis I create a debt restructuring plan, one designed to fit your needs and work best for you in your current financial situation.  I create the plan to deal with your creditors to reduce your debt by up to 80% so you can have it paid off within five years!  A good debt settlement plan gives you options, it’s just a matter of finding the solution that will work best for you.  Budgeting, financial education, debt consolidation, and filing a Consumer Proposal are just a few of the options available.

If you have concerns about your debt call me, Liliana Glen at 4 Pillars East Windsor, (519) 962-9766.    Steven’s situation or your potential debt problem doesn’t have to be faced alone.  If you know you might have a problem, reach out, don’t be a stranger and let us help you create financial future worth fighting for.

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