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First World Problems and Debt

By Navaiz & Hardip Chaudhry

First World Problems and Debt

 You have to admit, in a world of poverty, terror, and the denial of basic human rights, Canadians don’t have a lot to complain about.  Not on a global scale.  But it’s easy to lose site of how fortunate we are when the pillows at your high end resort are too firm, or your latte is consistently cooled by the time your assistant gets it back to your corner office.  This feeling of ‘security’ has left us with some entitlement issues.  Oh Woe is Me has become our battle cry, when our woe’s are actually pretty trivial compared to the rest of the world.  But still, we seem to suffer from an epidemic of first world problems.

Suck it Up, Princess

In a world where people are being killed for expressing an opinion, daring to ask for basic human rights, we may feel a little guilty about stressing over a late payment.  Hey, it could be worse.  You could have an army hunting you down, taking your home, your family, and leaving you bleeding in the street.  So, really, is not being able to make your payment this month really that big a deal?  In the big scheme of things, probably not.  But in your world, yes.  It’s easy to forget how good you have it when living under the oppressive yoke of debt.

Like any good dictator, your debt ensures you know who’s in charge, in control, and you soon discover the repercussions of defying your debt.  Your punishment begins with minor embarrassments and humiliations, then expands to living in fear and a hopelessness.  Will your debt take everything and leave you bleeding in the street?  Well, you probably won’t be bleeding, but yes, it has the power to do that.

You Have Rights

Unlike those living with fear and oppression in other countries, you can rebel against the tyranny of debt, rise above, and get your life back, without fear.  When you’re ready to fight back call 4 Pillars Debt Solutions.  4 Pillars was founded by three professionals who were tired of watching their friends lose their businesses to debt.  They did their homework, combined their financial expertise and started a company that would ensure no one would be controlled by their debt again.

In Toronto your 4 Pillars Debt Specialists are Hardip and Navaiz Chaudhry.  Together they are able to help you cut your debt by up to 80%! In fact, you could find yourself debt free in as little as 5 years!  Hardip and Navaiz Chaudhry will create a debt settlement strategy that works for you; navigating financial terminology, representing your interests at all times, and helping you rebuild your credit.

When you’re ready for real debt help call Hardip and Navaiz of
4 Pillars Toronto at 647 362 4894.

Before you know it you’ll be enjoying the freedom that comes from living without debt.  But if you find yourself getting upset about the pillows in your 5-star resort, maybe keep that to yourself.

4 Pillars Debt Solutions.  Details at 4Pillars.ca

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