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Pay It Forward: The Freedom of a Debtless Life

By Darrell Pauls

Pay It Forward: The Freedom of a Debtless Life 

We all have debts of some sort.  Someone we owe, a kindness we have yet to repay but would like to.  Several years ago a new movement took hold called Paying It Forward.  When someone does something good for you, you do something good for someone else.  Pay it Forward; somebody bought you Timmies at the drive thru, you pay it forward with a kind gesture of your own.

Paying with Good Intentions

When you enter the world of credit you do so with the best of intentions.  You’re going to pay everything off at the end of the month.  Or over the next couple of months.  But little by little that debt grows, strangling your cash flow and swallowing your paycheque, whole.  You try to keep up but now there’s a mortgage and a line of credit in addition to your credit cards.  As your debt keeps growing your world keeps shrinking until every waking moment is consumed by your debt.  You’d love to pay it forward, someday, but right now you’re just trying to pay it back.  Your debt is the reason you don’t have any savings.  It’s the reason your relationships are strained.  Debt affects your job, your health, your life. The struggle is real and no matter how sincere your efforts, your debt is not going away.  And your creditors don’t consider ‘good intentions’ as actual payment.

Debt Help: Putting Something Positive into the Universe.

It’s hard to stay positive when your debt is all consuming.  How can you help others when you can’t even help yourself?  Actually, there is something you can do.  You can call 4 Pillars Debt Solutions. 4 Pillars has been helping Canadians reduce their debt since 2002.  In fact over 97% of their clients have stayed out of debt. In Lethbridge your 4 Pillars Debt Specialist is Darrell Pauls.

Making a Difference

After your free consultation Darrell will put together a debt restructuring strategy that’s right for you. He will create a plan to consolidate all of your payments.  He will guide you thru the maze of financial terminology, ensure the creditor calls stop, and help you rebuild your credit.  In fact Darrell and his team can help reduce your debt by up to 80%.   To learn more call Darrell Pauls of 4 Pillars Lethbridge, 403-332-7361.   Your community, your family, your LIFE are waiting , and without debt just imagine all the ways you can Pay It Forward.

4 Pillars Debt Solutions.  Details at 4Pillars.ca

Pay It Forward: The Freedom of a Debtless Life 


We all have debts of some sort.  Someone we owe, a kindness we have yet to repay but would like to.  Several years ago a new movement took hold called Paying It Forward.  When someone does something good for you, you do something good for someone else.  Pay it Forward; somebody bought you Timmies at the drive thru, you pay it forward with a kind gesture of your own.

Paying with Good Intentions

When you enter the world of credit you do so with the best of intentions.  You’re going to pay everything off at the end of the month.  Or over the next couple of months.  But little by little that debt grows, strangling your cash flow and swallowing your paycheque, whole.  You try to keep up but now there’s a mortgage and a line of credit in addition to your credit cards.  As your debt keeps growing your world keeps shrinking until every waking moment is consumed by your debt.  You’d love to pay it forward, someday, but right now you’re just trying to pay it back.  Your debt is the reason you don’t have any savings.  It’s the reason your relationships are strained.  Debt affects your job, your health, your life. The struggle is real and no matter how sincere your efforts, your debt is not going away.  And your creditors don’t consider ‘good intentions’ as actual payment.

Debt Help: Putting Something Positive into the Universe.

It’s hard to stay positive when your debt is all consuming.  How can you help others when you can’t even help yourself?  Actually, there is something you can do.  You can call 4 Pillars Debt Solutions. 4 Pillars has been helping Canadians reduce their debt since 2002.  In fact over 97% of their clients have stayed out of debt. In Lethbridge, Ab your 4 Pillars Debt Specialist is Darrell Pauls.

Making a Difference

After your free consultation Darrell will put together a debt restructuring strategy that’s right for you. He will create a plan to consolidate all of your payments.  He will guide you thru the maze of financial terminology, ensure the creditor calls stop, and help you rebuild your credit.  In fact Darrell and his team can help reduce your debt by up to 80%.   To learn more call Darrell Pauls of 4 Pillars Lethbridge, Ab , 403-332-7361.   Your community, your family, your LIFE are waiting , and without debt just imagine all the ways you can Pay It Forward.

4 Pillars Debt Solutions.  Details at 4Pillars.ca 

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