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Living In Debt: The Performance of a Lifetime

By Barbara Wyant

Living In Debt: The Performance of a Lifetime

Every generation has its great actors.  Thespians who so embody a role it is impossible to see anyone except the character they inhabit.  From Brando to Streep, Pacino to Hepburn, Bergman to Fassbender.  But none of these brilliant performers can hold a candle to the person struggling with debt trying to convince the world that everything is alright.  That person is the best actor in the world.

The Performance of a Lifetime

Debt makes you many things: fearful, ashamed, hopeless, and exhausted.  But these aren’t things you want the world to see, so you put on a brave face, and big smile, and a carefree attitude.  But it’s all a mask and you know, deep down, that if anyone peeks behind the mask they’ll see your shame and humiliation.  Will they judge you, feel pity for you, try to help you, or even care?  It doesn’t matter, you’ve been living with debt for long, imagining every worst case scenario, that it’s impossible to see the positive in any of this.  That’s what debt does to you.  It takes over your life, your thoughts, and your financial security.  After a while, your performance starts to feel so real that you forget, momentarily, what is motivating the fake smile.

So maybe it’s time to draw the curtain on your debt, once and for all. Maybe it’s time to embark on a new performance, the role of a lifetime.  The real you.  Stress free, debt free, full of hope, optimism, and promise YOU

Debt Help: Your Final Performance  

For your next role you’ll need the right director. Someone to let your creative spirit soar while keeping you firmly planted in reality.  4 Pillars Langley Debt Solutions has been helping Canadians reduce their debt since 2002. In fact over 97% of their clients have successfully completed their debt restructuring plans; making 4 Pillars an industry leader in Canada. 4 Pillars was founded by three professionals who were tired of watching friends lose their businesses to debt.  They did their homework, combined their financial expertise and started a company that would ensure no one would be controlled by their debt again.

4 Pillars Debt Solutions work for you, not your creditors.  Their priority is helping YOU reduce your debt.  And they do it without judgement or blame.  You are given the respect and compassion you deserve as they educate you as to your best options. In Langley, your 4 Pillars Debt Specialist is Barbara Wyant . Barbara is a compassionate financial expert who understands the reality of debt and the hold it has on your life.  Aside from helping you budget for the life you want, she will create a debt settlement strategy that works for you; navigating financial terminology, finding your best options and helping you rebuild your credit.  With Barbara as your guide you could have your debt reduced by up to 80% and paid off within five years!

When you’re ready to walk the red carpet toward debt relief Barbara and her team at     4 Pillars Langley  will lead the way.  Book your appointment today, at (604) 866 7895.

4 Pillars Debt Solutions.  Details at 4Pillars.ca

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