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Debt Wars: The Force of Financial Freedom

By Navaiz & Hardip Chaudhry

Debt Wars: The Force of Financial Freedom

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away you had financial freedom.  Sure you were seven years old and all of your expenses were covered by your parents but still, your biggest responsibilities were bringing in the mail, making your bed, and not fighting with your sister.  And for that you got an allowance to buy candy or toys.  Occasionally you’d get a lecture about saving for a rainy day.  As you got older, your responsibilities got bigger, but so did your allowance.  As a result saving for a rainy day meant saving your money until you had enough to buy bigger toys.

Welcome to The Dark Side

In your teens your parents weened you off your allowance and encouraged you to get a job.  With all of that new found financial freedom you had big plans.  New clothes, a cool car, the best music, a kickin’ stereo and the occasional lecture to put something aside for college.  Whatever Mom!

The Battle Begins

In college they were giving away credit cards like candy, and you didn’t have to take out the garbage.  And thus began your first steps into the dark side of debt. But you were responsible, mature, you took credit very seriously despite your parents annoying lectures to make sure you pay it off at the end of the month.  So you missed a few payments here and there.  When you maxed out one card, you just got another.  Problem solved.

Debt Help – a New Hope

Now that you’re an adult, your expenses have grown along with your desire for better toys.  Unfortunately so has your debt.  And that rainy day your parents warned you of is looming.  Creditors are calling, and despite gainful employment you can’t get a loan.  For years you managed your debt. But debt doesn’t fight fair.  And life likes to throw in obstacles like car problems, job loss, rent increases, kids.  As you struggle with your debt you feel yourself being pulled under by despair.  But there is hope.

Hardip and Navaiz Chaudhry of 4 Pillars Vancouver  are more than Debt Specialists.  They are Jedi Masters who will fight alongside you to help you settle your debt.  In fact you could have your debt reduced by 80% and find yourself debt free in as little as 5 years!  Hardip and Navaiz Chaudhry will create a debt settlement strategy that works for you; navigating financial terminology, significantly reducing your monthly payments and helping you rebuild your credit.

May the Force of Financial Freedom Be With You

Call Hardip or Navaiz at 604-587- 5577 and escape the dark side once and for all.  Without debt dragging you down your future could be a real blockbuster!

4 Pillars Debt Solutions.  Details at 4Pillars.ca

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