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Deadlines versus Debt Lines

By Navaiz & Hardip Chaudhry

Deadlines versus Debt Lines

To quote Douglas Adams:

“I LOVE Deadlines! I Love the whooshing sound they make as they fly by!”

We’ve all made deadlines for ourselves.  By the age of 25 you were going to be travelling the world.  By 35 you were going to have your first novel published. By 45 you, your husband, 2.5 children and 4 dogs were going to be living in a fabulous house in an amazing city or on a country estate.  And by 55 you’d be retired, travelling the world again, and living the dream! Okay, everybody has different deadlines but the fact remains, most of those milestone go whooshing by while you’re busy with the mundane activities of everyday life.

There are a lot of reasons we don’t get to our personal deadlines; reality, procrastination, fear, laziness, even debt. Yes DEBT is a big reason those personal deadlines get pushed back and eventually cancelled.

Hitting the Snooze Button on your Goals

Debt provides a great excuse for not moving forward with your dreams.  How many times have you told yourself “If only I wasn’t so broke” or “If only I wasn’t maxed out on my credit cards”?  The truth is, Debt takes a lot more than your money.  It takes your dreams and replaces them with stress, worry, self-doubt, and humiliation.  Debt forces you to hit the snooze button on your goals so you won’t have to deal with them, and eventually as those deadlines whoosh by, you can blame your debt.

Debt Help Creating Realistic Deadlines

When you’re ready to move on with your life, without debt holding you back, there is help available.  When you’re ready to explore the possibility and freedom of a debt free life, 4 Pillars Debt Solutions will be there with you, every step of the way.

4 Pillars has been helping Canadians reduce their debt since 2002. In fact over 97% of their clients have successfully completed their debt restructuring plans; making 4 Pillars an industry leader in Canada. 4 Pillars was founded by three professionals who were tired of watching friends lose their businesses to debt.  They did their homework, combined their financial expertise and started a company that would ensure no one would be controlled by their debt again.

In Toronto, your 4 Pillars Debt Specialists are Hardip and Navaiz ChaudhryHardip and Navaiz Chaudhry work for you, not your creditors.  Their priority is helping YOU reduce your debt.  And they do it without judgement or blame.  You are given the respect and compassion you deserve as they educate you as to your best options.  Hardip and Navaiz will help cut your debt by up to 80%.  In fact you could find yourself debt free in as little as 5 years!  Hardip and Navaiz Chaudhry will create a debt settlement strategy that works for you; translating financial terminology, stopping the creditor calls, and helping you rebuild your credit.

Meeting New Deadlines with Time to Spare!

When you’re ready to start living the life you were meant to live, call Hardip and Navaiz of 4 Pillars Toronto at (647) 362-4894.   Your initial consultation is free.  So start thinking of new goals and achievements in your debt free life.  It’s never too late to write that novel or hitchhike to a new galaxy!  

4 Pillars Debt Solutions.  Details at 4Pillars.ca

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