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Debt and Fear: What Do You Really Have to Lose?

By Ryan Brown

Debt and Fear: What Do You Really Have to Lose?

Fear is paralyzing. It keeps you from moving forward. It doesn’t matter if yours is a fear of failure, a fear of success, or a fear of change. Fear immobilizes you, whether you are conscious of it or not. Fear keeps you from picking up the phone, talking to someone new, or just being yourself. In many ways FEAR is synonymous with DEBT. In fact fear is the great enabler of debt.

Two Sides of the Same Coin
When you’re living with an overwhelming amount of personal debt fear is always nearby, pushing your buttons and pulling your strings. Sometimes fear disguises itself as denial. It whispers in your ear “There’s no need to do anything, things will work out.” “Maybe next month will be better.” But, like your debt, fear has begun to permeate your everyday life. You’re afraid to answer the phone. You’re afraid to check your credit card balance. You’re afraid to admit that you’ve lost control of your debt. And as your debt and fear become more entwined you find yourself unable to move.

Unshackle the Shame
Debt is, amongst other things, humiliating. “How could you let this happen?” That’s fear letting your ego shame you into submission. But what if you could swallow your fear and look at your debt realistically for a moment? You might find that you’re not alone. There are hundreds of thousands of Canadians living with debt, living in fear, and feeling paralyzed to do anything about it. See, you’re not alone. Nor is your situation as hopeless as you’ve feared.

Debt Help IS Self Help.
It only takes a moment of courage to admit your debt is out of control. It only takes a phone call to start tearing away the fear and get your life back. In fact, the bravest thing you can do is actually the easiest. Call 4 Pillars Debt Solutions. 4 Pillars has been helping Canadians tear down debt since 2004. In fact over 97% of their clients have stayed out of debt.

In Greater Sudbury your 4 Pillars Debt Specialist is Ryan Brown. With Ryan leading the way your debt could be reduced by up to 80% leaving you debt free within 5 years. By exploring the options that work best for you, Ryan will help you with every aspect of your debt settlement. He’ll even work with you to rebuild your credit.

The Only Thing to Fear is… bad Cliches
When you work with Ryan Brown and the team at 4 Pillars Greater Sudbury  you’ll find your fear quickly replaced by hope, your debt replaced by freedom. Ryan and the Greater Sudbury will put together a debt settlement strategy that works for you, putting all of your fears to rest. To find out more about your Debt Restructuring options check out 4Pillars.ca or call 705-806-1252 and book your free consultation today.

4 Pillars Debt Solutions. Details at 4Pillars.ca

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