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4 Pillars

There is a way out.

Find a debt solution that works for you.

We help to reduce your debt by up to 80% and get you back on track. Up to 97% of families successfully complete the plans we create and become debt free.

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free debt consultation

4 Pillars Ottawa

  • Elisa Fremeth

  • 251 Laurier Avenue W Suite 900
    Ottawa, ON
    K1P 5J6
  • 514-600-0724
  • ottawaregion@4pillars.ca

4 Pillars Ottawa

Elisa Fremeth

Debt Relief Specialist

The Ottawa Team:

Elisa Fremeth is your 4 Pillars Debt Solution and Restructuring Consultant in Ottawa.

How can 4 Pillars Ottawa team help you?

Whether you're in the Ottawa area or across the river in Gatineau, Elisa Fremeth and the team can help you get of debt, rebuild your credit, and lay the foundation for a debt-free and promising financial future. Regardless of your situation, Elisa has the experience, skills, and tools to help you reduce and pay off your debt within five years.

Elisa specializes in assisting individuals and families experiencing a financial crisis. Elisa provides several services, including:

  • Professional consulting regarding the client’s financial situation
  • Debt Restructuring Assessment
  • Evaluation of both individual and family budgets
  • Credit education and rebuilding

Elisa's area of expertise includes Personal Debt Restructuring, Cash flow management, and financial rehabilitation.

How the 4 Pillars Ottawa team can help reduce YOUR debt.

As 4 Pillars Debt Consultants, the Ottawa team can help you reduce your debt by up to 80%, often eliminating that debt within five years.

Using their expertise in the financial industry and the community, Elisa and the Ottawa team will work with you to assess your particular situation, then create a plan that will help you eliminate your debt. They then continue working with you to help you understand credit so that you can start rebuilding.

Every debt situation is different, but rest assured bankruptcy is not necessarily your only recourse. With debt restructuring programs, consolidation, and credit rebuilding programs available, 4 Pillars Ottawa will work tirelessly to find the solution that is going to work best for YOU.

4 Pillars consultants work for you. 4 Pillars clients can look forward to a debt-free future and financial peace of mind.

Case Study

Ed and Marian are the parents of two extremely bright and curious children who will be looking into colleges and universities in a few years. Though they’ve always enjoyed a comfortable life, their debt has slowly crept up, making it difficult to save for the kid’s education, let alone their retirement. When Marian’s company eliminated her job, she and Ed took a hard look at their spending, their savings, and how to best prepare for their kid’s education. With no real job prospects on the horizon, Marian tried to create a budget to live on, as a single income family. But the debt kept piling up, taking money out of their meager savings and adding an enormous strain to their marriage. Bills got missed, creditor called with alarming frequency, which contributed to Ed and Marian’s feelings of failure and shame.

When their son announced he wanted to become an Engineer, Ed and Marian had to sit the kids down for a painful conversation about their family’s limited financial future. Feeling hopeless, Ed reached out to 4 Pillars Debt Consultants. Ed and Marian sat down with the Ottawa Team and were relieved to learn that they weren’t alone. With Elisa’s guidance, they were able to consolidate their debt and start saving for the future. So by the time their kids are ready to head off to University, Ed and Marian plan to be completely free of debt.

Debt Restructuring Information

The 4 Pillars advantage gives our clients peace of mind that comes from choosing one of the oldest and largest debt restructuring companies in Canada. 4 Pillars Ottawa features debt restructuring, credit rebuilding, and budgeting services, offered through our Clients For Life™ program. 4 Pillars has several programs that allow clients to remove the financial barriers they face and move forward with their goals, be it homeownership, retirement, or putting the kids through school. No other Canadian company offers such an integrated system for creating financial stability.

Our Ottawa Office

The 4 Pillars office in Ottawa is located at:
251 Laurier Avenue W Suite 900
Phone: (613) 515-0161 / (844)-663-3883

With offices in Montreal, Quebec City, and Gatineau, Elisa Fremeth is bringing debt relief to Quebec. To set up your free initial consultation, call 844-663-3883 or email ElisaF@4Pillars.ca.

The 4 Pillars Ottawa team is available to meet in person, over the phone, or by video conference, i.e., Zoom.

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