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I’m Embarrassed By My Debt

By Trevor Glasser

This is a common theme for people in debt.  Unfortunately society seems to make an association between a person’s character and their net worth.  Sadly, this is not a fair measure at all as other people don’t know how you got into the situation you are in.  Having debt issues does not necessarily reflect on your character.  Working in the debt industry, I have met some of the kindest and most intelligent people who simply ended up in an unfortunate situation and ultimately have debt problems.

How Did I Get In Debt?

I have seen so many different scenarios of how people have gotten into debt I could not even begin to count them.  Often times it was unavoidable.  The obvious causes are a loss of employment, death or illness in the family, business failure or an over-extension of credit without money management skills.  The cause of the debt does need to be determined to help prevent the same thing from happening again.  But more importantly, the person in debt needs to realize that being embarrassed by their situation can only make it worse.  By seeking the help of a compassionate professional they can give you honest advice on how to deal with the situation.  They are not going to judge you; they are there to help you through the situation while respecting you and treating you with dignity.  If the person you have sought out for help does not do this I would recommend you find someone else.

Help Without Being Judged

Although it is understandable to be embarrassed by your debt it is important to know that you can deal with it without embarrassment.  Don’t let that feeling of embarrassment prevent you from reaching out and getting help.  Often the longer you wait the more serious the situation becomes and the more difficult it can become to resolve.  Remember, if you reach out to the right people for help they are professionals and will treat you the way you deserve to be treated.  Debt is only debt, not a reflection of your character.  A true professional will help you deal with the situation and then help you understand the root cause of the debt and offer help to avoid getting in the same situation again.

What’s The First Step to Resolve My Debt Issues?

The key is to realize that there are people out there, like myself, who will treat you with respect and find very effective solutions to deal with your debt.  The first step is to pick up the phone and seek advice.  If you get a good vibe from the person you are talking to and the solution they suggest makes sense the next step is to meet them.  I believe that in dealing with something as personal as your debt you should always deal with someone you can meet face to face.  At that meeting they should be able to put you at ease and give you a concise plan of how they are going to help you.  You should be able to contact them as needed for support and guidance throughout the process.  With the proper support the relief you will feel is immeasurable.


What Options Are Available To Deal With My Debt?

Your debt professional should be able to help you determine the best way to deal with your debt.  It might be as simple as a re-finance of your home or a consolidation loan.  If the situation is more severe it may require a consumer proposal or even a bankruptcy.  Your debt expert is there to give you guidance on any of these processes and make sure you make the best decision for your specific situation.

There are people out there such as myself that will treat you with respect and dignity to deal with your debt.  Don’t be afraid to make that first call, it might just be the most stress relieving call you ever make.

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