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4 Pillars

Imagine your life with no debt.

Canadian families choose 4 Pillars to help them find solutions to deal with $1,000,000 of consumer debt every day.
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Offices across Canada to serve you best.


Independent, verified reviews by clients via TrustPilot.


Families who we’ve helped with over $300 million of unmanageable consumer debt resolved every year.

Find the best solution for you

The debt industry is complex and designed to work in favour of banks, credit card companies, and creditors. We’re changing that.

At 4 Pillars, we use education and our extensive experience to show you the best path out of debt based on your unique financial situation.

Get a clear view of your best options

Should you use a credit counselor? Is bankruptcy the right option for your situation? At 4 Pillars, we help you find the most effective debt option for your situation. Our goal is to help you resolve your immediate financial crisis, immediately fix your cash flow, and rebuild your financial future with ongoing education.

Each situation is different. Think of us as an independent advocate, helping YOU decide which option will most effectively deal with your debt and allow you to regain control of your financial future. From your local bank to Licensed Insolvency Trustees to credit counseling to debt refinancing—there are many different types of options (all with their own costs, pros, and cons) trying to win your money. Despite what they might tell you, any company or professional (including free credit counseling) benefits financially from you choosing them to deal with your debt.

4 Pillars offers an independent view. The best option might be that you consolidate your debt through refinancing or that you file a consumer proposal with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee. There might even be an opportunity for you to deal directly with your creditors to reduce your debt. Either way, 4 Pillars offers guidance, experience, and solutions to solve your debt challenge based on what will be best for your long-term financial recovery.

Beating the Debt Game

by Paul Murphy

You’ve seen the headlines. Canadians are greatly overextended in debt, a paycheque away from serious trouble, and further at the mercy of the vast financial system that controls most of our lives.

The stakes are high. The game is rigged. And yet, most Canadians know little about how the debt world really works. Even worse, they don’t know that with a little knowledge any Canadian can make the debt system work for them, instead of against them.

This book is a short guide to tipping the debt scales back in your favour. This book will be your weapon against debt, your financial education that should have been taught in high school, and hopefully a cold dose of common sense to help you avoid falling deeper into those financial traps that attempt to reduce our ability to build long-term wealth and divert our paychecks to the banks, credit cards, and high-interest lenders.

No upfront fees

To help better serve those facing financial challenges, 4 Pillars will never charge a debt advisory fee or any upfront fees.

Fees should never be a barrier for people to get the help they truly need. We want the best solution for consumers to build a stronger financial recovery.

Our role is an advocate for the debtor, placing their needs first and foremost, focused above all else on finding the most effective solutions to deal with their debt.

Why is financial support and rebuilding credit so important?

With proper support, a person can recover from their first insolvency, but a second insolvency is both financially and mentally devastating. It is anticipated that a whopping 24% of Canadians filing under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA) each year will be doing so for a second time within a 10 year period. Due to the ongoing financial education and rehabilitation programs provided, less than 2% of 4 Pillars clients face a second insolvency.

All 4 Pillars clients have a strong desire to move from financial crisis to wealth creation; many of whom can fulfill their dreams of homeownership and overall financial security. But first, we must support them through the challenging transition period.

Credit history has a significant influence on the livelihood and well-being of individuals. Ensuring accurate information on your credit reports is crucial to our client’s success. This is especially important when personal bankruptcy or a consumer proposal is part of their credit profile.

4 Pillars advocates for the debtor—not the creditor. We're one of the only companies in the debt industry with this approach to educate debtors on all options to resolving financial crisis so they can make informed decisions.

Regain financial control

Begin with a free, independent review of your financial situation. With timely counseling, a solid plan to deal with your debt, plus immediate credit rebuilding, you can move on from your debt, wiser, financially solid and fortified against ever going into debt again. At 4 Pillars, our offices provide the most comprehensive support program in the industry so you can become and remain debt-free.

We have offices across Canada. Find your local office. Speak to our experts. And make sure you check out the 3,000+ reviews of 4 Pillars via the independent review site TrustPilot.

"You have taken us from the verge of financial ruin and put us on the path of financial independence."
- Actual client testimonial. Name removed to protect privacy.

Speak to an expert in confidence.

Common Questions

How much will it cost to work with 4 Pillars?

Our fees are based on a couple of factors, including the time involved working on your case, the number and type of creditors involved in your case ... Read More

Will debt restructuring affect my credit rating?

Different restructuring options have different effects on your credit rating. As a general rule any time you settle your debt at less than 100 cents on the ... Read More

Can I keep any credit cards?

This largely depends on the type of restructuring used. If you file a Bankruptcy, then you cannot obtain or have any credit during this process ... Read More

What is debt restructuring?

Debt restructuring is the best solution for resolving your financial problems in the event that you are unable to pay your bills. Read More

Debt shouldn't take over your life. We create a plan to get the creditors off your back while helping you restructure your debt, often only paying back a fraction of what is owed.

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"The stress and worries are over. We are living again."
Actual client testimonial. Name removed to protect privacy.

We're across Canada.

  • We have over 51 locations across Canada. For 20 years 4 Pillars has helped Canadians deal with unmanageable debt, giving them a second chance in their financial lives.
  • We only operate in Canada. We know the rules, we know the unique and complex legislation of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act as well as the other options available in each province.
  • Barring extraordinary circumstances, we will present a plan to reduce your debt to a fraction of what you currently owe. We have a 97% success rate doing just that.
4 Pillars is proud Corporate Member of the CDA

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